As a Registered Training Organisation, Healthguard is pleased to offer Co-providers Arrangements to organisations and individuals who wish to deliver nationally recognised first aid training.
To deliver nationally recognised training, such as Provide First Aid and Provide CPR, providers must be a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) or be in a Partnering Arrangement with one. Our Program allows your business to deliver first aid training as a first aid co-provider under the auspices of Healthguard First Aid as the lead RTO. All literature such as workbooks, question papers can be provided to you and certificates are issued by Healthguard First Aid.
Healthguards student management system is accessible to Co-Providers and trainers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to:
Register courses and learners
Book courses and email confirmations to clients & studentVerify USIs
Email copies of certificates direct to learners
Send email notes to learners
Send training reminders when refresher training is due
Make notes and follows ups for learners and prospective clients
View calendar of all courses conducted

Competitive Pricing
No application. registration or annual fees

Just some of Healthguards proud Co-Providers

Contact us today to find out you can start your partnership with Healthguard First Aid